This Girls Blue Night Queen Pavadai Davani with dupatta Online is a stunning traditional outfit for teenage girls in South India. It features a beautiful aquamarine skirt, a matching blouse, and a dupatta (a long scarf) with intricate embroidery. Made of high-quality brocade material with a lining attached, this outfit ensures comfort and durability.
The aquamarine color adds a touch of elegance and grace, making it perfect for special occasions and festivals. The elbow sleeves provide a comfortable fit while allowing easy movement.
Key Features:
- High-quality brocade material with attached lining for comfort and durability
- Intricate embroidery on the dupatta adds a touch of elegance
The Girls Blue Night Queen Pavadai Davani with dupatta Online is designed for convenience when it comes to maintenance. It is recommended to dry wash the outfit to maintain its vibrant color. To ensure the longevity of the outfit, avoid wrinkling and use low iron settings.
You can pair this traditional outfit with your favorite South Indian jewelry to make a stunning fashion statement at any event. Whether it's a wedding, festival, or family gathering, this Girls Blue Night Queen Pavadai Davani with dupatta Online is sure to make you stand out.
This outfit is available in sizes 14, 16, and 18 years, ensuring the perfect fit for your little princess. Indulge in the rich heritage and beauty of South Indian fashion with this exquisite ensemble.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to own this Girls Blue Night Queen Pavadai Davani with dupatta Online. Order now to add a piece of South Indian tradition to your wardrobe!